Goodbye, my old companion. I held you for a true friend, maybe a lover even from time to time. But at the least I thought you were a dependable friend that would be ALWAYS there for me.
Sooth me, comfort me. Cheer me up. Understand me. Join me. Be crazy with me. Be lonely with me. Sad with me. Scared with me. Know me. But I discovered you were not a friend.
Slowly I came to realize that you did nothing for me but rob me of my dignity, health, peace of mind. You made me stink and didn’t even tell me. You made me blab and say stupid things. Made me postpone the important things and be cranky at my children.
You were jealous every time I was with someone else. You wanted me home alone all to yourself, leaving me with nothing in my life but you. You made me feel like a stupid, weak fool. I thought I knew you but I could not have been more wrong.
Our ways have parted now and that is OK. I assume I will not see you again this lifetime. Everything is better now. Lighter, more loving. More creative and more productive.
You were a stone hanging around my neck and made me feel like drowning in life. I thank you for your decency to show up every time I needed you. And for sticking around. Loyal you were. But I can handle it on my own now. You don’t know any better. You see you used me and took all of my energy and a lot of joy. I will not be open for reminiscing on the past.
Take care,