Letters Lucy’s Letter Dear Alcohol, You are toxic, you are heartless, you are cruel. You have stolen what should have been some of my best years, you are November 15, 2020 1 Comment
Letters Tessa’s Letter Goodbye, my old companion. I held you for a true friend, maybe a lover even from time to time. But at the least I thought November 15, 2020 No Comments
Sober Spring 2020. A Retrospective. By Andrea What a trip it has been, this 66 Day Sober Challenge. A roller coaster of emotions, with days of elation followed by days of despair. November 15, 2020 2 Comments
Guest Blogs “Alcoholics? None of Them Work Here. I’d Sack Them Straight Away.” by Jerry Rudd Is that your take on alcoholism? You would recognise an alcoholic straight away – most of them live on a park bench, and the others November 15, 2020 No Comments